
Easy response and staccato

Great projection

Free blowing

Homogeneity of records

Stability of sound in extreme dynamics (ppp to fff)

Suitable for all brands


This carbon fiber necks give a more free blowing, easier response and staccato, good intonation and contribute to mantain sound stability in extreme dynamics and more homogeneity in all registers than traditional necks made of brass or metal.

Our special synthetic cork avoids the little noise damper of traditional cork and gives more durability to our carbón fiber necks.

We have two types of baritone saxophone necks that fits perfectly every brand and model.

We keep investigating in order to offer you necks for other saxophones, soon.


Artists who already use it

Joan Martí-Frasquier

Michael Jamieson

Víctor Manuel Martín

opiniones de nuestros artistas

“Es muy buena. El grosor de la fibra de carbono añade más peso y núcleo al sonido”

Peter Cigleris (Reino Unido)

“Es un placer tocar con la abrazadera Allegro. Se obtiene un sonido grande, profundo, oscuro, cálido y centrado. ¡¡Bravíssimo!!”

Markus Rölz (Alemania)

Ligatures for clarinet

Barrels for clarinet

Accel Ligature

Ligatures for Saxophone

Necks for saxophone

Accel for Saxophone

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